In a recursive query, the client expects the server to respond the full answer ( i.e., to resolve a name to the IP address). 在递归查询中,客户端预期服务器响应完整的答案(即,将某个名称解析为IP地址)。
The'With answers'edition contains a full answer key and information on the exam, making it ideal for students preparing independently. '答案'版包含一个全面的答复关键资料和有关考试,从而使其适合学生准备独立。
If you've been waiting to hear back about a raise, this full moon could bring you the answer. 如果你提出了加薪的要求,满月期间你将得到答复。
You must answer the question accurately and produce a full, interesting answer. 必须正确地回答问题并显示一个完整有趣的答案。
To those who take God's Word in its full meaning, there can be no doubt about the answer. 我想,对于认真遵行上话语的人,答案应该是肯定的。
Then king nebuchadnezzar, full of fear and wonder, got up quickly, and said to his wise men, did we not put three men in cords into the fire? And they made answer and said to the king, true, o king. 那时,尼布甲尼撒王惊奇,急忙起来,对谋士说,我捆起来扔在火里的不是三个人吗?他们回答王说,王阿,是。
The book also has a full answer key to all exercises. 这本书也有一个完整的答案主要向所有演习。
Because I never have been landscape where it is full of fresh colour? No, maybe in my mind there is no mood to see those fresh colour, that's the right answer for the reason, I think. 都不是,也许是我的心中就没有这样的心情去看这些新鲜的颜色,也是这是对于前面问题最好的答案。
'It should have a full answer to how it will address the very well-known risks,'she said. 她说,微软应该全面回答它将如何解决这一广为人知的风险;
They are powerless only to give the full answer to the new questions posed for the living by history. 说他们无能为力,只是说他们无力圆满回答历史向活着的人们提出的种种新问题。
The fundamental premise of OLS is that full educational opportunity requires a user to have the social access to other people who can answer questions and provide support. OLS基本前提是完整的教育机会,必须让使用者能够与能解答其问题或提供支援的其他人建立起沟通管道。
While our Government has many programs directed at those issues, I do not pretend that we have the full answer to those problems. 当我们的政府针对这些问题作出很多的计划时,我不想伪称我们有了完整的答案来回答这些问题。
I think a full answer to this question would probably require a short book, but in my view some of the more important things to keep in mind when documenting a software architecture are 我认为对这个问题的全面回答可能需要一本书,但我认为记录软件架构时必须牢记的一些更重要的以下几点
You get full marks for getting the right answer. 你的答案正确,得满分。
I told God that I did wish, but that right now I wished even more for a complete and full answer to my first question. 我告诉神我真的想知道,但目前,我更希望我的第一个问题能先得到一个完整而充分的答复。
In the risk management in colleges and universities, the social missions of colleges and universities can only be fulfilled by bringing the advantages of Party organization and ideological and political work to full play, and by improving the ability to answer risks and managing risks. 在高校的危机管理中,只有充分发挥党的组织优势和思想政治工作优势,提高危机应对能力和危机管理水平,才能保证高校社会使命的顺利完成。
The conclusion, summarizes the full text, and answer the questions at the beginning of. 结语方面,对全文进行总结,回答一开始提出的问题。